Within His Arms
""""'With a strong hand and an outstretched arm, for his steadfast love endurs forever;' (Psalm 136:12) As children of God we find comfort within his loving arms and his love is there for us forever. When struggles and life overwhelmes us and we feel lost, all we have to do is call to Him and He will comfort us, hold us and love us. God is alway with us, looking after us and wants the best for us. He wants us happy, healed and whole in every aspect of life. When we're hurt he hurts, when we cry he cries. There is nothing that separate's us from his love, comfort and peace. God is a loving God waiting for us to call on him. Waiting for us to say...'God I need you, help me through, I can't go through this journy without you, I need you! When we open our hearts to him he is always there to help us through even when we don't feel him or see what's going on in the spiritual world. He is there guiding us and showing us the way, we just have to have faith and be still so we can hear his small still voice within us. So we can find the peace that we so seek. Jesus said that he will never leave us or forsake us and he is not man that he could lie. Sometimes our pain and our struggles blind us from what he is waiting to give us. Sometime we are so deep into ourselves that we can't see or hear him. We have to allow ourselves to be open to him, to be still and hear his voice within our heart. He will guide us and walk us through any and every situation that we're in or will come. There is nothing that he won't do for us! He loves us so much and all he is waiting for is for us to call out to him. He's offering his unconditional love, all he wants is for us to love him, accept him and reachout to him when we can't go on any longer. Open up your heart towards him, he didn't want you to be hurt, he cried when you were abused, but God gave man a free will to do right and wrong and those who hurt us went by their free will. God didn't allow it, to say that he allow it is to say that he participated and God is a loving God who wants to protect us, man did it out of his own free will. If our parents didn't care for us and kept an eye on us it wasn't God's fault! They to had a free will to do what is right but they choose not to. And we also have to remember that our parents had issues aswell and didn't know how to protect us. They raised us with what they had and it might have not been much. They to were wounded souls and never new how to ask for help or get help. But God is here to restore and rebuild lives, to give us what we should have had or even better then what we should have had. God is not the enemy, is is the loving father who wants with all his heart to heal you and to help you. Don't put the blame on God, he never wanted you to be abused and hurt. He gave his only son to save us and heal us from what man did to us. God is on your side and he's waiting for you to call on him, to love you like you have never been loved.

Begin the day with God and lift your heart to Him and seek His love, mercy and grace.
Open His bible even if its for five minuts and read so your thoughts may become filled with hope and courage.
Go through the day with God wherever you are just ask him to, talk to Him and share your heart, your pain and even your anger.

Offer grateful praises to Him, letting Him know that you are thankful. Praises are healing to the heart, body and soul.
Conclude the day with God, confess your sins of the day, trust in Him and accept His righteousness in you because you are the righousness of God in Christ Jesus. As he is so are you and you will learn this as you keep growing in him.
Lie down at night with God who gives you His peaceful sleep, and when you enter into sleep He will guard you and keep you. Ask him to protect your dreams and to only allow good dreams.

Trust God through all things, never lose hope, never give-up. He is a wonderful God who will give you all the desires of your heart as you grow in Him and learn to trust Him.

God is wonderful, God who wants us to live a life of victory and reconciliation. He wants us to be free from the pain of our past and the memories that bind us. He wants us to be free, to be a light to the world. God in His mercy and His love fills our hearts and minds with hope as we seek his help and stand on his word. God is Wonderful! And he wants to show you how loving and wonderful he is, but you need to allow him in.

Within His arms we find peace and hope. Trust God through all that you bare and don't let go no matter what happens, no matter how hard it seems at the moment, no matter how painful it feel. God will give you the strength to go on. He will be there with you every step of the way. Trust me, He's been here for me and has healed me from my painful past and I am free from the memories of abuse as he filled my heart with love.

Forgive those who hurt you, forgiveness is for you, not for them. You will feel free when you forgive, it allows healing to come into your heart and mind and soul.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

Psalm 50:15
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.

Psalm 31:24
Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord.

Stay Strong & Stay Safe

Keren Valentin... I believe in you!
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